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Property Investment

Ethical property managers make a difference in their communities

The more homes we manage, the more impact we can have on the housing sector. 👊

At Homesure Property, we’re committed to growing our business by increasing our portfolio of managed properties every year. But why? Do you ever wonder what motivates a business to grow? What motivates business owners to work hard, every day, on their business?

If all we wanted to do was increase our personal wealth, there are loads of routes we could take (many of them would be easier). We chose this one, and we continue to choose it. Here’s why being ethical property managers matters to us.

We’re making an impact in the world

The fact that we provide homes for real people is always front and centre in our minds. By operating with ethics, care and empathy – as well as professionalism and efficiency – we can improve our sector. Our sector impacts hundreds of thousands of lives. That’s a life-long achievement our team can be proud of.

How can we, as ethical property managers, make a real difference?

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for us to take over management of a property and be shocked at:

  • what a bad state it was in before it came to us
  • how criminally disorganised the paperwork is (literally)
  • the terrible conditions that some families live in

Some of the properties I’ve visited over the years genuinely haunt me when I think of:

  • the squalor that people are living in – we’re talking about babies crawling on gross floors, animals living in cruel conditions, etc
  • investors who have saved their hard-earned money, only to be ripped off by property-sourcing crooks and poor agents
  • entire streets of residents having their lives ruined by problem neighbours on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis
  • the horrendous energy waste from draughty windows, uninsulated lofts, inefficient boilers and run-down properties

We’ve seen heartbreaking situations. It’s satisfying to be able to fix some of them. The industry needs more ethical agents willing to do it, not to mention property agent regulation, to ensure baseline levels of service.

We’re not growing Homesure because we have big egos and want to be the biggest agent. We strive to be the best at our craft, so we can multiply our impact through scale. I’m proud to say, we’re doing that.

The more homes we manage, the more lives we can improve

Homesure’s company directors have been investing in our communities for 20 years, and managing properties for other investors almost as long. We’ve honed a property problem-solving formula that never fails. It uses the best of modern technology, and rigorous processes, to support our team. They, in turn, provide a human approach to property management, that has the needs of our tenants and landlords at its heart.

At this point I can say with conviction – the more homes we manage, the more lives we can improve.

This is what success looks like to us

  • MORE tenants – living in safer, nicer, better-quality homes
  • MORE landlords – making less risky, more profitable investments
  • MORE communities – seeing a reduction in anti-social behaviour
  • MORE energy-efficient homes – reducing our sector’s impact on the planet

We’re capitalists at heart – all property investors are – but Capitalism is not a dirty word. The definition of capitalism is investing resources (at the expense of short-term gratification) in order to create long-term value. The morals of capitalism come down to how you behave while participating in it.

We endure the short-term ‘pain’ of hard work and dedication at the expense of easier riches, in order to make housing work for owners, occupiers, communities and the environment.

We fully intend to create long-term wealth for ourselves, our clients, and our local areas through prosperity, but we won’t cut corners or work with slum landlords. Doing so wouldn’t fit our definition of success. Instead, we’re working to create win-win improvements to the housing sector – arguably the  most important factor of the UK economy.

Are you looking for an ethical property manager for your portfolio?

Find out more about our 5⭐ rated property management service.

Do you know someone else who might need our services? Earn residual income through our referral scheme.

Nicholas Stott

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