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Peter’s London Marathon triumph

Peter ran the London Marathon on 2nd October 2022, to raise much-needed funds for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Ahead of the race, Pete, who works in Homesure Property’s Woolton office, said, ‘I have never run a marathon before so I know it will be a huge challenge but definitely worth it if I can raise some money for a special charity.

‘I have chosen this charity to pay homage to my grandad, who was blind for my whole adult life. I was hugely inspired by his outlook on life, despite his challenges. His attitude to living with blindness was
inspiring and I feel raising money for this charity can help visually impaired people, like my grandad, who rely on the support and companionship these amazing dogs provide.’

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association exists to provide life-changing services to the 360,000 people, in the UK, who are registered blind or partially sighted, and the two million people living with sight loss. Training a single dog costs £34,600 and the association relies on donations to continue this vital work.

Peter put in loads of hard work and ran his first marathon in under four hours! Pete, you smashed it and we’re all proud of you.

Nicholas Stott

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